for yohan.

/behind the scenes interview/ star 1 july issue 2020



how does it feel to be chosen as tony moly's muse?
yohan: firstly, i wanted to do a beauty-related photoshoot, so i'm thankful and honoured for the chance. although i'm still lacking a lot, i want to show my hardworking side as a beauty model.

you did photoshoot with various concepts. how does it feel like to show more shocking looks, which couldn't be seen from other photoshoots?
yohan: all the while i mainly did natural photoshoots. but this time, i got to try on various different strong make ups so it was nice, and fun. it was good to show looks that i couldn't show before.

as your occupation requires a lot of make up, do you have any special tips on skin care?
yohan: i don't have any special management. after schedules i would just wash up cleanly. since there are many times where my make up is thick/ strong, i pay attention to cleansing. for skin care i only put on toner and lotion.

it's almost 1 yr since your debut, 1 year is not really long but seemed like you would have a lot of changes, how do you feel?
in the 1 year span, i think it had the biggest changes in my life. even until last year, i got to my current position which i'm thankful of. there's many things i feel and learnt. i also learnt that everything in this world is not easy as i think. of course i think that there's still a long way to go. i want to work hard and show good sides of me, as much as the love i'm getting.

july, the start of summer, is there anything you want to do?
now that we're having a hard time now (due to the pandemic), i hope this time past faster. most of all, i want to meet with my fans closely and communicate with them. i also want to show cool stages. i also wish to communicate with fans through music. 

'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

dazed july 2020 issue (yohan cut)  (0) 2020.06.24
star 1 july 2020 issue  (0) 2020.06.23
arena homme june 2020 issue  (0) 2020.05.20
tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24

dazed july 2020 issue (yohan cut)


Magazine photo credits: @johannes_kyh

Is this the first group photoshoot for you all?
yohan: i only had individual photoshoots before, so it's fun filming in a group. filming alone is kinda lonely (laugh), it was nice having people to talk to.

Do you feel like a team since you're filming a group photoshoot? since you all joined the produce series and received spotlight.
yohan: i think it definitely become more familiar standing in front of the spotlight. photoshoots, and of course broadcasts felt more comfortable. although i still lack a lot. (laugh)

do you have any angle or pose that you love in photoshoots or on stage?
yohan: i usually prefer the left side of my face, but i also do various angles upon requests.

how long had you been together?
yohan: what do you mean similar? i'm more senior by 1 year (group laugh)

what do you guys play when you meet?
yohan: kart rider. it's a cute racing game.

who's the best game player?
yohan: everyone is good. we don't play together with low-rankers (laugh).

all of you got recognised through the produce series etc., your individual fandom is active too. do you think that you all can debut as a team now?
yohan: we haven't properly started the preparation for debut. we're still on individual schedules.

if you would want a ability from the person next to you?
daehyeon: yohan's firm physical looked cool. his singing and rapping balance is nice, and his eyes, nose, lips are well-defined too.
yohan: donghan's is a great dancer. he's cool riding the rhythm. his dance line is cool, sense is good, and he could choreograph. his limbs are long, so there would be nice silhoulettes when he's dancing.

what is the most important to you when practicing dancing together?
yohan: when group dance are matched, and when details stand out.

is it nice being together?
yohan: the best is i get to tell the worries easily to the members. since there's trust like brothers, and friends.

is there a nickname for you to call each other?
yohan: kim muggle, bunny, bbiyo,, there's many of them. since fans gave (these nicknames) to me, i'm thankful and couldn't choose only one of it.

do you have a role model?
yohan: i also think v-sunbaenim looked cool on stage too. his facial expression on stage is good, so i really want to be like him. he's good, really. (laugh)
daehyeon: (talks about his mum)
yohan: my dad is my role model too. are you going to be like this alone? (group laugh)

will there be news revealed any sooner?
donghan: (my birthday soon)
yohan: ah~ he had been talking about his birthday since just now (group laugh).

'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

/behind the scenes interview/ star 1 july issue 2020  (0) 2020.07.04
star 1 july 2020 issue  (0) 2020.06.23
arena homme june 2020 issue  (0) 2020.05.20
tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24

star 1 july 2020 issue


magazine photo: @johannes_kyh

How are you doing recently?
i'm happy that i could go nearer to fans musically through <war of villain>, which i'm a part of the fixed cast. i'm also focusing so that i could show more of my good sides.

today's concept was a fresh one which could remind us about school days, how was yohan's school days?
rather than being fresh like today's concept, i was a student who focused on sports. everyday was tiring because of sports. i practised every single day, from day to night, i only did sports. now my stamina isn't as good as i were back then, but sports was really everything during my school days.

would you go back (to the days) if you're asked to?
but it was still fun back then. since there was many times where i find small happiness despite the exhaustment. till now, i'm still close with friends i knew back then. somehow maybe they're friends/ seniors that trained together, so there's something like a strong bond. i think that's why our friendship is deep too. since i experienced living in a group since primary school, sometimes being alone felt kind of awkward too. haha

recently there's more time to stay at home. what do you usually do at home?
i'm the type who barely comes out from my room. i kinda like lying alone listening to music, and playing games. recently, if i dont have schedules i try not to go around, and i try to be careful. i hope that my fans would do that too (laughs). i'm actually absorbed in mobile games and nano blocks, it'd be nice if my fans spend their time with small hobbies like these too.

it must be a big pity for not being able to meet your fans closely.
until half a year ago, i communicated (with fans) frequently, or through official meetings or music broadcasts, i could talk with them. but it's a pity that i lost those healing times. so, i'm working hard to meet them in other ways such as live broadcasts or other contents.

you are filming <war of villain> too, wouldn't it be difficult working with veteran singers?
since <war of villain> is a project-based show rather than a talk show, so it wasn't that difficult. i felt more comfortable being able to join in naturally.

since you officially joined a variety show, is there any memorable comments or special reactions to you?
while i appear officially on shows, i didn't have much chances to show myself musically. i always felt that it's a pity that i could only show myself on variety shows or magazines. now through <war of villain>, i'm really happy that i could show more of the music-related side of me, and learn many things too. i also started to pay more attention to rap making.

there must be many that you could learn while being with senior musicians.
actually no matter who i get to work with, it's always my honour. i just don't want to cause any trouble. while watching (song)gain-nuna sing, i could only be impressed. jessi-nuna who naturally rides on the flow while rapping or singing, i think i'm learning about that while watching.

is there any variety show you want to join?
i want to join shows like tvn's <new journey to the west>. i want to play their witty/brilliant games too.

are you the competitive kind?
rather than being competitive, i'm the kind who motivates myself. even when i did sports too, rather than comparing myself with my opponent, i always wanted myself to do well first. i think maybe that's why i'm like this now. i think it's important that i do well and try my best.

you are showing various yohan's through broadcast and magazines.
i wished that i could catch many bunnies (try everything). for now, i'm paying more attention to the music side. i wanted to prioritize my activities as an idol more, and wanted to built a stronger base in terms of music.

you looked like you're close with your company members.
since we are all close, it's comfortable and nice. the chemistry is good too (laugh).

is there any words that give yohan the most strength nowadays?
my fans reactions to my performance in <war of villain> became great strength to me. they drenched my thirst to be judged on musically; seniors in the show, including lee sangmin and jessi-nuna, all told me that i did well, so it became strength to me, and i strive to work harder.

you want to stand on stage as soon as possible right?
yes. i want to stand on stage as soon as possible and meet my fans too.

seemed like you have an artist who you want to resemble.
i want to learn and resemble v-sunbaenim in terms of stage and performances. he's cool. he's exactly an idol, and show great performances like an artist. i really like zico-sunbaenim on the music side. it's cool that he's the player and also the producer. i want to resemble that too. i used to perform rap that are already written, and never imagined that i could be making them. but once, twice, since i started, i was able to do it too. at first i took 1 hour for 2 lines, but for now, once i got the first line, the rest just flow out like water. when i show it to someone, and get positive response, it's satisfying and enjoyable, so i'm happy everyday.

is there something you're focusing on nowadays?
definitely rap making. i need to write my rap in the project from <war of villain>, so i really focused on it a lot.

what are the things that differs the most before and after debut?
the biggest would be the public recognizing me. that's the biggest difference, and inside there's many things which changed. to achieve what i want, there are things that i have to give up; to do well in broadcasts or music, i think i have to put in a lot of effot. but still, when i go out, i would be back to normal person kim yohan. i don't really remind myself that i'm a celebrity.

it's almost 1 yr since your debut, how do you feel?
in the 1 year span, i think there's big and various changes in my life. i also learnt that everything in this world is not easy as i think.

your one year definitely flew fast. what was your happiest moment?
when i gave my parents pocket money after working hard, i was really happy. it's being filial. i was really satisfied. maybe because i only started activities for a year, i don't really feel it, and i think i still lack a lot. but i still want to monitor myself and find points that i could change and improve myself.

while promoting for a year, did you discover a new side of yourself?
when i was showing cutesy side of myself? i still can't get used to it seeing myself (being cute) on broadcasts. even my friends who did sports together with me would contact me and tease me.

since you debuted after gaining enormous popularity, the public would had high interest in everything you did. it must be burdensome for the past whole year.
i don't think of their interest as a burden. i feel grateful for such great amount of love given to me, and would like to repay them.

is there anything you want to achieve by this year?
i really want to stand on stage. i really wish to communicate with fans through music. i think my biggest wish would be being able to meet fans on stage.

is there anything you want to say to your fans?
as per current situation, i hope fans could hold on for a little more and wait for me. i hope that they would be healthy. i'm also being careful so that i could meet fans healthily. i hope that my fans could do so too.



'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

/behind the scenes interview/ star 1 july issue 2020  (0) 2020.07.04
dazed july 2020 issue (yohan cut)  (0) 2020.06.24
arena homme june 2020 issue  (0) 2020.05.20
tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24

arena homme june 2020 issue


At Yangyang, to Yohan
A day where the wind blows. we met kim yohan at yangyang. the sun was warm, but the wind was cold; on this peculiar day, at a beach with no one around, kim yohan smiled coolly.

The world had changed. There's more time at home, and following that there's more thoughts, and people start reading. What kind of changes you encountered?
I had many worries. and it disturbs me the most that I couldnt meet my fans. since idol is an occupation that exist thanks to fans. i also gave up a fanmeeting, which i was desperate for. at a situation when the whole nation is under threat, it couldn't be stubbornly carried out. actually my heart is glummed. so i alwasy try to tell my thoughts and sincereness to my fans through interviews. i also want to show fans the sides they want to see.

You received a huge amount of love not long after you debuted. it's not something common in this field. do you feel any burden?
i feel burdened. i got results which are way better than my ability, and received much love. at first i was really burdened, but now im decided to be a person that could fulfill all the expectations. im trying my best to attain the expectations of my fans.

what are the fans expectations?
now, wouldn't they want to see me as an idol? it had been a while since i stood on stage. i only want to stand on stage as soon as possible. when i'm watching other seniors' stages, or even watching my stage videos last time again, makes me overwhelmed with emotions.

let's try talking about the past. what kind of person kim yohan is, before choosing to become an idol? what kind of music you listened to?
last time i liked relaxed music. before i sleep i mostly listen to ballad. calm music. before i switched my lane into an idol, i only did sports. i was a taekwondo athlete. i really thought about taekwondo only (laughs).

did you really think about taekwondo only when you were a taekwondo athelete?
yes. i thought that i have to live while doing taekwondo. i was a person who have nothing to talk about except taekwondo. at first, a national representative was my aim. but slowly, my dreams turned into living concerns. i tried calculating the wages from a business team, i also thought that i should become some instructor. i planned out my life based on taekwondo. but now i became an idol (laughs).

it's difficult to estimate how life goes on.
it's true. its unpredictable. people around me are also fascinated by my life. i don't feel taht fascinated, but others are surprised. since a sports person suddenly became an idol.

do you have any regrets about sports?
no. it was hard. but i still follow taekwondo sites now. when i watch match videos of other athletes, i would feel like playing. i would want to try playing for at least once, but now i might not be able to do it because it's hard.

how did your athlete experience influence your idol activity?
sports was definitely more exhausting physically. my stamina built from sports came in helpful. i also received compliments saying that i'm powerful when im dancing, i think it's thanks to taekwondo. should i call it endurance? stress management, maintaining good concentration; these semmed like the good influence from doing sports.

you're experiencing a new field. there'll be areas that you would know more. what are the things you're curious now?
i want to run a shop. i always wanted to try working in a cafe. in the past, i didnt get to try working part time since i was doing sports. bbq restaurant, or cafe, i would like to try working part time in these places.

why are you curious about working part time?
it was during high school, i had some event which i needed money. there's something i wanted to buy but i didn't have enough money. its still far from the day i get my pocket money, so i worked part time in a lunchbox shop. i fried meatballs and pancakes, and also wrapped lunchboxes. i worked from 8.30am to 6pm. and i earned 80000won (65USD). it was really tiring, but the tiredness disappear immediately when i received my pay. i then realised that earning money is not easy.

do you want to experience earning money the hard way again?
haha. not like that. i really needed money back then. but now i want to run a cafe and personally brew coffee for my fans.

so how about becoming an idol? is there any charm of working as an idol?
being on stage is no joke. i was shocked hearing the cheers on stage. i thought that i really need to do well. the cheers made me feel alive.

i think that being an idol is an occupation which gets judged all the time. facial expression and actions, attitude etc even small things get judged. since you lived your life competing as an athelete, seemed like you would have tolerance against judgements.
athlete and idol slightly differs. judgement during athelete days only happen in the taekwondo field. we got judgements from teachers, and only get judgement from the nation after becoming a national athlete. but as an idol, the area of judgement is way much broader. we get judgement from fans all over the world. that difference is enormous.

if you get love from people you dont know, your sight of the world might differ.
my responsibility grew extremely big. since there's many who trust and like me, i musn't cause disappointment. that's also my aim. i'm the kind who don't have the self awareness that i'm a celebrity. there's signatures on the wall at famous restaurants right? i saw that and said that seemed like many celebrities came over before, and my manager hyungs reminded me that im a celebrity too (laughs).

what provocates kim yohan?
i provocate myself. i dont really mind external attentions. i get angry at myself if something i want to do don't work out. so i must achieve my targets. no matter what others say, i get provocated and setttle the problems myself.

do you have a strong self-confidence?
but i don't raise my own self-confidence. i have a optimistic character. even if there's a probelm i don't try to win over it.

i thought you would be sensitive about winning. since you were a competition athlete.
in competitions i would definitely want to win. but since i quitted sports, that greed (for winning) disappeared. when i started being an idol, rather than confidence, i was motivated by my pride. i didn't have the greed to compete and win over anyone.

you would have many worries about your future. where are you looking for?
now my position is being an idol. i would be showing myself as an diol. i would also show a new side of me on variety shows, and also meet fans. and for a few years later, i don't know what will i be doing, but i'll always have the wish to challenge acting.

interview source: 욯리조리님


욯리조리🐰 on Twitter

“저.. 다들 궁금해하셔서 카페 들어와서 대충 찍어서 올려볼게요 빛 번짐 때문에 선명하게 안 찍혀서 맛보기로 참고만 해주세요..😶💦💦💦”


'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

dazed july 2020 issue (yohan cut)  (0) 2020.06.24
star 1 july 2020 issue  (0) 2020.06.23
tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24
nylon may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.21

tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes


source: @199909e2

caption sequence: from top to bottom; left to right

moments to fall for kim yohan again.

signature: to tenstar; the photoshoot very prettyㅎㅎ
#half asleep-half awake "a not-fully-awake state"
before the first photoshoot, while getting makeup fixed, perfect timing to #zone-out

envious #flower #joiningfandom #4types

#fingerheart byongbyong
#mealso flower

#ang? im melting from that expression

#newphone. companies please look here. this is it. ((yes all the ads please come in))

#newculture what is this use for?
there's no way yohan (born in 1999) to know.

#fanservice for tenasia readers, please anticipate the polaroid.

it's not easy for denim-denim fashion to shine.

#wolf? real man

this kind of yohan in bedrooms?
#iwannabe #thebed #inyourroom #forajustaday #oh #baby 
((lyrics from tvxq- hug))

"dont wear that jacket properly"

#tenasia may issue, 'thousand kind of faces' kim yohan working hard

(left) you haven't forgotten right? the centre of x1.
(right) "dear fans, and tenasia readers, i love you all"

'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

star 1 july 2020 issue  (0) 2020.06.23
arena homme june 2020 issue  (0) 2020.05.20
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24
nylon may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.21
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #2  (0) 2020.04.02

tenasia may 2020 issue




한 on Twitter

“텐아시아 김요한 (1)”

you had your photoshoot today with a sexy, while chic concept with buttons simply left open. seemed like you showed another charm, differing from the boyish beauty you used to show?
actually i really like this kind of concept. not that i like exposing my body but i like strong concepts. shall i say i like strong and sexy faces? haha. thats why om very satisfied of the filming today. i also gain confidence since the make up today is strong too.

when you were asked to make vibes like jung woosung from the movie 'beat', your surprised face was cute. to kim yohan born in 1999, 'beat' is quite diffcult right?
i surely know jung woosung sunbaenim, but i dont know the movie 'beat'. to be very honest, i only know the detergent 'beat'.(laughs)

'tenasia' readers had chosen kim yohan as the 'youth star'.
ah really? i think they chose me since i had only been doing photoshoots with 
fresh and soft images. in previous photoshoots i did almost no make-up, and showed a lot of my innocent looks.

recently, your 10mil donation for prevention of covid-19 became an issue.
i'm the kind who don't simply spend money, but spend when necessary only. even when eating out with my friends, i don't really like dutch-paying. especially when the situation now is bad. i donated as much as i could. leaving the amount aside, i hope people who needs it could use it more preciously.

usually idols get physical trainings since they're young, but kim yohan's background is quite unique. you became a trainee from a taekwondo athlete, and then debuted right away. shall we talk about your younger days?
since my dad is a taekwondo coach, i naturally started taekwondo since i was young. i started the athlete life when i was 7, now thinking back about it, it seemed to be a natural course. while doing taekwondo, i dreamt about being a national representative. as i get a lot of expectations from people around me as i grow, i naturally 
thought that i need to be a taekwondo athlete.

what kind of child kim yohan is?
rather than being active, i was a rather quiet child. a child who quietly did sports diligently.

you became a trainee when you even entered university by scholarship. how did you end up dreaming of being a singer?
i didn't dream of it, just that i had been longing for it. i paid attention to the level that when i see singers on tv i would thought that 'wow they looked cool'. idols are really cool, but to me, i couldn't be an idol, so i felt like i was standing at the other side of the world? i received casting offers from various companies when i was 17, but i rejected them all. people around me told me 'what artist are you talking about. just do your taekwondo', and since i entered university with scholarship, so i only focused on it. in a moment of bewilderment, i met my current company, and they told me to start the next day after the meeting we had. i became a trainee, totally not knowing anything.

in a way you became an idol out of fate then?
well i was lucky. this world is not that easy. (laugh)

since you were a taekwondo expectant, when you decided to give up the sport you did over the past 10+ years, people around you would have stopped you. even though you yourself confirmed and had confidence about it, there would have be negative responses, burden and anxiety as well.
people who looked at me that time, probably thought that i was airbrained (being stupid). but i thought that whatever i do, it'll eventually work out. all responses around me were negative, but i thought that there would be a successful way, and since that everyone didn't agree on me, i clenched my teeth harder due to my pride.

going through pdx 101, to x1 promotions, now your position changed. now kim yohan became a longing to people who has the idol dream.
after the program, a fan told me that he/she is envious, and thank you. when i asked why
is he/she being thankful, he/she said that, there's a need and a want; and he/she chose the things she needed to do, rather that what she wanted to. but kim yohan did what he wanted, so the fan said he/she gained hope by seeing him. i was dazed, when i heard he/she said that he/she gained the courage to do what she wanted. i am not a great person, i have worries and burdens, but i'm really thankful that she gained courage by looking at me.

you said yourself that this world is not that easy, it was really hard when you suddenly started to learn singing and dancing after doing sports all this while, right?
at first, it was really hard. the world of sports and entertainment totally differs. adapting to it was hard, and i even felt that i was totally left out. but now it's fine. i couldn't perfectly adapt, but i'm getting familiar to it.

you left a strong episode since your first appearance in pdx 101. you performed se7en's 'come back to me' with heelys.
since i have nothing i could do confidently, so i used heelys. it was the best strategy for me, who can't sing, dance or rap. i practiced a lot on the heelys, and also on my singing.

what kind of mindset you had when you joined the survival program?
i told my mother that i'm joining the show, and she told me 'it's okay to be eliminated. it's natural if you don't learn anything. it's fine no matter you get the 99th or 100th place. even your ranking only rised for a bit, it's all experiences'. i agreed to what my mother said too. since i was in the state where i know nothing, i would just unconditionally gain experience. it was a mind to learn and come back.

but you unexpectedly won the 1st.
it really felt good. i was happy that i could show my parents my cool side. since my athlete days, my parents would always come to spectate matched. on the final live show, they came as usual. they always seen how i compete in matches, also how i injured, let alone winning or not. since i'm showing them for the first time, how their son receives cheers from fans, and performs coolly, it felt a lil weird. (laugh)

while you became the centre of x1, you nicely gave a strong punch to those who told you 'what artist are you talking about'. it must be thrilling?
of course. it's about confidently saying 'yes' to people who told me 'can you mke it? it's a bang of head on a stone ground (cruelly frustrating).'. after the final episode, my mother cired and told me 'you should be happy, why didnt i let you do this earlier?; i might not receive this much love if i did it earlier, and i comforted her 
(which was not really comforting) that the timing was good.

'one who wears the crown must bear its weight', the results was glorious, but the process until this position must be really hard. you were the trainee in the talk, and due to the program's speciality, the journey wouldn't be as smooth.
nowadays i don't search for my name, but i did a lot during pdx. but it was hard, because i was scolded for things i didn't do, and i wasn't able to deny unfounded rumours. due to hate comments and rumoured comments, i was stressed that i had panic attack for a while. i tend to avoid seeing people. and 
really considered about quitting a lot. it was to the extent that my mum told me to quit faster, if i've decided to quit. but i held on with the mind 'let's do it until it works out'.

you must be proud of yourself for overcoming difficulties.
uhm, i praised myself 'you worked hard, yohan-ah, it was a long journey.' haha.

last year you were active as the centre of x1. it was a short period of promotion, but how is it looking back? did you feel that you showed enough of your charm as a singer?
i think that idol is about making the listening ears, and watching eyes enjoyable. on this part, i think i didn't satisfy my fans. in the middle of promoting as x1, i performed while sitting on a bench due to injury. actually that was kind of regretful.

from pdx to x1, all the times back then, what does it mean to kim yohan?
it was a thankful program. without pdx, i wouldn't be receiving so much love, and wouldn't be able to experience the dream-like promotion as x1. while debuting as x1, i experienced a lot of things that felt like dreams. selling out seats at gocheok dome, performing overseas, getting 1st on music programs and also charting 1st on music charts, it was times that felt like a dream. those were overflowing emotions that couldn't be felt again. it was a pity that the promotion period is short, but i'm always thankful for it.

in the short span of a year, you had the chance to show your singing and variety shows. do you have greed on anything else?
i want to show more of myself standing on stage as a singer. i also wanted to meet my fans more closely. there was a plan for fanmeeting, but it got dismissed due to covid-19. it was a pity, but fans' safety and health is the priority.

if there's a drastic change you could feel after debuting?
i felt the love and attention im getting. there would be flooding likes and comments whenever i upload something on my social media. it's still fascinating. but my friends don't take me as a celebrity. i myself too, hate 
my friends treating me as a celebrity. i wish that they'll just treat me as kim yohan myself.

how do you release your stress?
if i have worries, or i can't sleep, i would drink a can of beer. actually i think that time is medicine. when i was disturbed by the hate comments and rumours, i just 
stayed quiet. it would become nothing after time passes.

as a new start in 2020 is right in front, your mental state would be different.
'if things don't work out, do it until it works out. if i think i can do it, there's nothing i can't.'
i did pdx with this thought. although i thought of giving up midway, but i held myself. i want to show various things to my fans, including music and actings. i felt like i just started lighting up a wick.

if there's something yohan wanna tell yohan?
always live with humbleness. that's all.

what's kim yohan's ultimate dream?
to built a villa for my parents. i want to earn a lot, buy my parents houses and built them a villa.

please say something to your fans.
as i said before, after a long period of blank promotion, i started lighting up a wick. in the future, i hope fans could be the footprints of what yohan did and the path he goes. i love you. please be healthy.



'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

arena homme june 2020 issue  (0) 2020.05.20
tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
nylon may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.21
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #2  (0) 2020.04.02
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #1  (0) 2020.04.02

nylon may 2020 issue



nylon; yohan

"getting the 1st place on <produce x 101> was an unexpected huge result. when my name was called, i felt like i owned the whole world. it felt like fans chose me for me to grow. i'm someone who doesn't really excel, but since i slowly gained things that i could do, i thought that they trusted me on the thoughts of wanting to see me grow. i'm grateful to everyone. together with good mood, i thought that 'ah, it's the start now'."

you were chosen as the main character of <school 2020>. all the actors who previously took that place did well. its the reason the next main character, kim yohan would get all the attention.
thats why. i have to do well too, i'm excited, but i'm more worried.
somehow acting is a new field of challenge for you. which part is the most difficult?
since acting itself is something new to me, so everything is unfamiliar. i only did the script reading, but haven't been to the filming site yet. so i couldnt try out the gestures or detailed parts with other actors. my biggest worry is on 'what to do' at the actual filming site.
you're in process of making the main character 'taejin', what kind of person he is?
the director told me 'just put the nametag taejin on yourself'. im doing that for now first. doesn't the actual me actually reflects 50% of him (taejin)?
that would be a stormy period of adolescence right. did puberty came to kim yohan as well?
i did slept a lot in class though (laugh). in my opinion there weren't. i totally don't remember going against my parents. but then my dad was also my coach. and he was super scary. but someday my dad told me 'your puberty period passed', when i kept asking him about it he just said he doesnt know and moved it on.

you appeared on <produce x 101> with short training period not long after you entered your company. differ from other trainees, everything must be new to you, didn't you felt anxious?
very much. no joke. at first it was disturbing, 'i dont know anything, but why should i do to this extent?'. but thinking again, i thought of why i came. eventually i changed my mind 'in the given time, shouldn't me be working harder than others', it became easier. i would set a target for things, and it'll be fine when i work hard for it.
audition programs are unavoidably competitions. getting a strong mentality is something must be done.
i don't get jealous of others' achievements. even when i did sports, i didnt compare with others as rivals. i motivate myself, i don't get knocked down by others' achievement, nor get worried by them. how do i say it. im the kind who doesn't have inferiority complex.
you sang 'me after you' on the program, the intro started by your voice is memorable. do you usually go to karaokes with your friends?
of course. but i don't sing ballads or songs i really sing well if i go to the karaoke, since to me, karaoke is a place i could really have exciting fun. (laugh)
ah. to keep the mood lifted.
i would always choose that kind of song. but when it comes to time where 'now its tiring' and time to rest, i'll sing a few ballad songs.

22 years old. for your 20s which are getting filled up now, what are the most memorable events?
when i was 20, i did sports. then joined <produce x 101> and X1. till now, ain't those the biggest events?
you quitted taekwondo which you did all the while, and starting a new career path, i think its the biggest decision in your life.
im still at my early twenties but i think there's a lot of turning point in my life. i put in all my life for taekwondo, but i gave that up, and now entering this path is not easy as well.
quitting taekwondo is your decision. i think that it is about courage and challenge when you give something up.
the biggest reason of quitting was injuries. somehow it's exhausting to get injured at the same place over and over again. that's why i thought about quitting a lot that time. before that i did wanted to be an idol. that's why everytime there's a casting offer, my heart gets moved bit by bit. also, i thought that 'do they really see the possibility in me?'. it could be me overthinking as well (laugh). coincidentally my scary dad was overseas. if he's in the country, i might still be doing taekwondo.
how was your father when you talked about it, which wasn't easy to be mentioned?
surprisingly, my dad told me that 'if there's a chance, then work hard for it'. till now i still don't know why he said so. but now my dad likes the most among my family members. he even uses my goods around.

i felt from the shooting today, you seemed like someone who isn't shy after talking to you. and you express your own personality well too. what do you think?
i myself ain't
the shy type of person. that's why i could confront people easily. i hang around with people well, and get close with them.
that's a big strength.
i don't really make enemies. if i think something's not right, i don't show hatred signs, and just stop attending to them. if the person knows i hate him, he might be talking bad things about me to others, and i might be misunderstood.
do you express well to people you like too?
surely. im the type who expresses. but i can't be too straightforward telling them that 'hey i like you'.
you seemed like you would. since your likings are so distinct.
i do express well for what i don't like. but those (express likings) are too embarassing anyways (laugh).



'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #2  (0) 2020.04.02
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #1  (0) 2020.04.02
elle korea april 2020 issue  (0) 2020.03.21

kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #2


jpn> eng: @ky_hanx1


are you a cat or puppy person?
yh: puppy person

if you gonna describe yourself as an animal?
yh: chick bunny puppy (im neutral)

if you describe yourself as a colour?
yh: white

what is your treasure?
yh: family

what kind of adult you want to be?
yh: an adult whom people want to resemble

"i, am unexpectedly _____ kind of person"
yh: i, am unexpectedly a charismatic person

what do you need the most right now?
yh: X (nothing) special

do you improve from compliments or scoldings?
yh: compliments

one challenge you would want to try
yh: ufc (ultimate fighting championship)

if you get a sudden change in schedule and suddenly gets a day off, what do you want to do?
yh: sleep

"something i cannot live without?"
yh: handphone

something you would use as your protection charm?
yh: family photo

what would you want for your last dinner?
yh: home food; mom-cooked food

what do you think you are made up of?
taekwondo > music; family; food
<yohan wrote taekwondo at first then realised now that he's an idol so he wrote that "-> music"

what do you prefer for breakfast,,?
yh: rice

whats the first live concert you've been to?
yh: none


if you get to work part time, where do you want to work at?
yh: cafe

what is that that you could never eat?
yh: something that could never be eaten; ex: books

"flying in the sky" vs "becoming invisible"
yh: flying in the sky

something you have to do before sleeping?
yh: listening to music

do you believe in ufo/ aliens?
yh: no

body part you like?
yh: eyes

which characteristic of yourself that you like?
yh: friendliness

do you eat your fav dish first or save the best for the last?
yh: eat them first

favourite scent?
yh: soap scent

what do you think is the things that could only be done in your 20s?
yh: if i answer this wrongly i'll be in trouble though,, things that i can't do in my 30s?

are you a good person now? how much marks would you give to yourself out of 100?
yh: 50

something you really want to eat now?
yh: meat

favourite number:
yh: 7

how many push ups you can do?
i havent tried counting; 100 would be too much? maybe i couldnt even do 20. really i didnt count before

if you're going to a stranded island,3 things that you would bring along?
yh: handphone, fried rice, friend

how you would you use the money if you won a lottery?
yh: buy buildings


name: kim yohan; dob: 1999.9.22; pob: seoul; blood type: b; height/ weight: 181, 70

the song that I think I sang the most in my teenage years is? yh: lyn's teddy bear (i heard of it out of nowhere and it was nice)

the song i think is my life theme song is?
yh: bravo my life (by: spring summer autumn winter) (because i want to live my life bravo-ly)

The song i listen to the most nowadays, and when do i listen to it the most?
yh: sasha sloan's dancing with your ghost (i listen to it the most when i'm sleeping)

whats the first album you buy?
yh: i listen on melon.

the first time you sang in front of people, and how they reacted?
yh: three bears; i sang it in front of my family and they went like 'you did well you did well'

'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24
nylon may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.21
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #1  (0) 2020.04.02
elle korea april 2020 issue  (0) 2020.03.21

kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #1


jpn> kr: @yo_urma; @my_yohani
kr> eng: @ky_hanx1


"i thought i was born for taekwondo"

his charm was freshness. he became a trainee and went on produce x 101, among other trainees which performed completely prepared stages, his singing or dancing was considered experienceless, but his free and surprised song selection caught the trainers attention on the first evaluation. lee dongwook even said 'my authority for an A for you', surprisingly many. blessed physical, good looks, won on national taekwondo competitions, and has ability for him to join the national team, he showed special freshness from athlete, differing from other trainees. 

this sprout won the final 1st place, and debuted as the centre of X1. and this spring, he was casted as the main cast of the 'school' series latest drama. idol with high expectation, kim yohan's first appearance in japanese magazine! he left taekwondo, and is chasing after 'idol'

"my first taekwondo competition was when i was 6. my body size was small, but i joined several competitions. 4th yr in primary school, i remember crying hard while my nose bled because i kept losing. my mum even got mad at my dad, asking him what is he getting a kid to do (laughs). i started being able to win when i was in 2nd yr primary school."

is your most memorable childhood about tkd as well?
"yes. i won the national youth sports festival when i was in 6th yr primary school. i felt that im achieving the dreams that my dad couldn't achieve. i got silver in my 5th yr primary school, but in my 6th year i won gold as i wished. my dad was happy. when the competition ended my dad ran to me and hugged me"

such a cool father-son relationship. yohan's siblings are well-known too. right?
"im 6yrs older than my first sister, and 8yrs older than my youngest sister so its cute (laughs). my youngest sister used to cut her own hair when she was young and it became some bush (laugh) i rmb getting scolded by my mum cause im just looking at her without doing anything despite being an elder brother"

but it's not yohan-sshi who cut her hair (laugh)
"yea. theres the other time i was feeding the fishes, and my youngest sister said she wanted to try, so i let her try. she ended up pouring the whole bag of feed into the aquarium, and even the water turned red. at that time, my mom came back and asked who did it; my sister was scared so i answered that i did it."

wow, oppa!
"i got scolded badly by my mum (laugh). but my dad knew about it and explained to my mum later."
"but one thing i find cute is that, when i went home, my younger sister would leave some of her favourite jelly; when i asked why she'd do so, she said that 'this is for oppa', she even kept it for me for the whole day."

you're full of love when you talk about your sisters (laugh). how's yohan's family?
"my father always lived with humble. he always told me "you have to always be humble", when i win on competitions, or win on produce x 101." 

what kind of child are you in primary school?
"i didnt like physical education. not all athletes must like physical education right (laugh). i didnt like languages too, i liked sciences instead. i thought that i did well in my studies back them. my scores were around 90."

amusing! what about mid/high school? did you have any hobby?
"uhm, nothing special. i stopped studying well when i was in 2nd yr in mid school. anyways, taekwondo was the centre of my life."

"i trained early in the morning, and would trained until late night after school. this schedules repeat everyday, so i ended up sleeping in class, and became further from studying (laugh). i only remember doing sports in middle school. i ran/jogged so much to train my stamina to the extend that i query myself 'am i a track& field athlete'. in high school i only did sports too."

taekwondo was such a huge presence for yohan.
"yes. to me, it was the whole of my life."

"when i stand on stage, i feel chills throughout my whole body"

"i thought it would be hard to live without taekwondo, i thought i was bornt for taekwondo"

you joined produce x 101 in 6 days after you became an idol trainee from a taekwondo athlete, during your school days which idol did you liked?
"when i was an athlete, i didn't care about idols. i thought that they're in a different world from me."

what about listening to music when exercising?
"i listen to edm when doing sports. they have fast tempo and have upbeats. in uni, i got influenced by a senior who liked hiphop so i listened to hiphop a lot too"

when did you thought of being an idol?
"when i was an athlete, i kept getting injured, and my mind was a mess. my current company scouted me. i wanted to challenge and explore the unknown world, so i got permission from my parents and coach then became a trainee. i joined the company without people knowing, and joined pdx101 on my 6th day (laugh). thinking about it, the moment i thought that i sincerely wanted to become an idol was during the group battle, when i performed 'boss'. when i stood on stage, i felt contented, had chills; my body was moving, but i felt soft and had adrenaline boost. when the part 'yeah' started, i heard cheers for me, and i had chills again. that moment i thought that i definitely want to become an idol, i felt that i was strong."

do you have a role model now?
"i like b/ts. their stages are cool. v-sunbaenim's expressions are really cool that i even felt his aura from tv. i thought that 'could i be like him too?'"

what about the audition you did when you joined your company?
"i didn't had auditions before. my first audition video was the participating video for pdx101"

what performance you did for that audition?
"i totally couldn't dance,, ah, but i learnt b/ts' <i need you> and danced to it. i dont remember what song i sang tho,, there's video evaluation> 1st round (interview)> 2nd round (interview); i also danced to b/ts' <fire>,, ah! i sang oohlala session remake version of <with my tears>.

i watched my practice video recently. it was my first dance in my life, i watched without a thought, then threw my phone away, almost breaking it. (laugh)"

was it because you were shy?
"i thought 'what's this?' (laugh) at that time,, i thought 'well,,' that time, but now thinking about it, it was severe, it's not even considered lacking in skills (laugh)."

there are many people who go for classes to prepare for auditions. you might had a lot of culture shock becoming a trainee without any experiences.
"everything was new and flustering (laugh). there are many other trainees, same for me as well, whom couldnt express well, talk less, and cool; but seeing those who could show hearts, aegyo, talking without feeling embarassed and looked cool,, i thought that it would be a difficulty to me (laugh). but what fascinating is (laugh), as days gone by i could feel myself growing."

joining pdx101 on the 6th day being an idol trainee, when did the shooting started?
''one month since i become a trainee. when it was aired, i was in my 3rd month."

were you happy joining back then?
"it was mainly 'what am i going to do?' i watched some of season 2, they're amazing. what could i do here? i was worried?"

rather than happy, you were more worried?
"of course i was happy being able to join; when i told my mom i got chosen to be one of the 101 trainees, she was surprised and was quite worried. she told me 'its fine even if you're at the 101th place, learn many things and come back'. i think she thought that how could a kid who only did taekwondo before makeit(laugh)"

how did your sisters react?
"my youngest sister was happy. but its quite funny because my other sister didnt have any reactions. she;s cool,, but i think she cheered for me"

you did a performance with se7en's 'come back to me'. it was a song released when yohan-sshi is 4 years old. whose idea was it?
"i couldnt dance, and my singing was just so-so. my dance teacher suggested to wear heelys. i also thought that it was it!(laugh)

"giving strength to everyone, is something an idol needs to do"

it was an unexpected choice of song, i think nuna from se7en's generation had picked yohan from that song!
"i heard that fans said they missed it and was happy, so i was happy (laugh)"

during the level evaluation, lee dongwook recommended, and you were graded A.
"really,, i thought that it was a hidden prank. after joining A class, there were debuted hyungs with experience, or skilled people, me lacking in skills, was helpless,, i kinda blamed dongwook hyung back then (laugh)"
but seemed like you could grow since you went to A class.

seemed like pdx101 became the base for you to become an idol
"yes. since it was a survival show, i grew a lot. i didnt want to be a burden for my team members, so i stayed up practicing. it was really a period i leveled up in a short time"
also it's a program im thankful for being able to let more know the name of kim yohan. i came from a totally different world, it became a turning point in my life"

survival seemed to be a continuous journey of nervousness. yohan-sshi whom was an athlete, i thought that you could focus better at times like this when you're nervous. did your taekwondo experience helped?
"it helped a lot in terms of stamina.

pdx was hard, but during my athlete days, i always feel like my muscles would break, and there are many times i felt like vomiting from running too hard. so i didnt have problem in terms of stamina. but from the mental strength side, idol would be more difficult."

both sports, and idol are competitive.
"competition is competition, but its kinda different. for sports, winning would be the end. but for idol, its mainly about how people in the world judges me. sports is a 1:1 fight, but idol is an occupation against various people. that slightly differs."

you were casted as the main lead of the drama <school 2020> this spring. its a work where actors like lee jongsuk, kim woobin, yook sungjae, nam joohyuk etc. also took up the main lead and became stars. how do you feel after being casted?
"those expectations are burdens (laugh) since it's already a famous series, i really felt "is it really fine if its me?'"

you had always been saying that you wanted to try acting, is there any characters you wanna try in the future?
"i dont have the strength to think about others with school 2020 filling my head now! (laugh)

cant wait to see what kind of characters you would take. now you'll be working as an actor, how about being a singer?
"acting doesnt mean that im quitting idol. so i hope people would look forward for my idol activities in the future. there might be things that can't be revealed now, but please look forward for kim yohan soon."

we will be waiting. you performed in hokkaido and tokyo before right? how was japanese fans that time?
"japanese fans really liked us(me). seeing them cheer my name left impact on me. when i went to japan, i was injured, so i was desperate to recover quickly and dance on stage."

what kind of event yohan-sshi want to do if you meet fans in the future?
"i hope it could be a place where i could communicate with fans. i wanted to show my performance with heelys again, so i think they would be happy too"

wow, cant wait for it! have you travel to japan before?
"yes, last year i went to nagoya for our family trip. the sushi was really tasty. what did i ate? i forgot (laugh)"

let's meet when you come to japan next time!
"sure! i also want to meet fans after so long. that time, please come can sit with me! i want to spend comfortable time together"

from taekwondo athlete to grabbing a seat as an idol, what does yohan-sshi, who went through different things, think about an idol's mission?
"to fans who love k-pop. showing good sides would be the mission of an idol. next, i think that being a strength to everyone is something idol should do."


'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24
nylon may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.21
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #2  (0) 2020.04.02
elle korea april 2020 issue  (0) 2020.03.21

elle korea april 2020 issue


q: did you felt like you showed your natural sides today?
yh: its my first time having a photoshoot with such natural mood. i always wore fancy clothes with suitable makeup on stage, but today was only with basic makeup. at first i thought that it was awkward and maybe i needed more (makeup), but its cool in another way' q: how do you spend your time recently? 'i enjoy watching tv and netflix on my off days,, i search for my videos to watch at times too; i wanted to go out and also meet fans, but its difficult to go out now. but im shaping my body, so that i can go out (and show myself) as soon as im called for, no matter its idol kim yohan or actor kim yohan.

q: what do you think of looking at yourself in videos?
yh: i do monitoring quite a lot, and always see my flaws first. and after that i think a lot about wanting to stand on stage again.

q: did you enjoy being on stage?
yh: although it was just a short time, but while standing on stage as X1, the cheers always give me chills, in a good way of course. it felt different from winning first in taekwondo competitions.

q: the news that you were casted for <school 2020>, that was expected to be broadcasted in aug, became an issue. you even got the main lead
yh: the school series was already famous, becoming the main lead was worrisome. i know best that im lacking so much, so i always
 tell people that my concern is a high and steep mountain whenever i have the chance (laugh). q: what do you worry so much? 'acting naturally. i did script reading not long ago. to lift the tone at the end of my lines or not is a concern, and i need to take care of gestures and also communing with the other person all at the same time, its really difficult. but still i have to be natural.

q: but you still work hard preparing
yh: im reading my lines diligently. i practice with my manager hyung, also tried myself with different tones and poses im taking acting lessons, and the teacher said that im learning fast so im really really fortunate about that.'

q: how is the taejin that you had been researching?
yh: firstly he's similar to me in many ways. altho his environment is not well-to-do, but he did sports diligently, and take care of his siblings quietly. hes shy, and doesnt express himself well, but hes a kind boy.

q: which drama you enjoyed the most among the school series?
yh: i enjoyed watching school 2013. the bromance among lee jongsuk and kim woobin sunbaenims are really amazing.

q: 22 years old kim yohan, is more to a boy, or a man?
yh: im not on the masculine side, but im not really a 'baby' person,, but sometimes i kinda miss the days when i was a fresh and romantic boy.

q: curious about your school days
yh: i was just a kid who did taekwondo diligently. i exercised in the dawn, then take lessons, and in the afternoon/evening, i exercise again. i always lived in a tired state. i refretted the most for not being able to join school trips
in uni because i was busy doing sports after i entered uni. but doesnt mean that i couldnt make friends. cause i have a personality that mix well roundly with people.

q: did you not have times of rebellance?
yh: i really dont. im still like this now, but since young, i was afraid of my dad,, until that i didnt dare to go up against him. but my dad said i also had that puberty (rebel) stage. but i dont really agree on that.

q: as you were doing tkd for 13yrs and went up to becoming a national backup athlete, you gave up bravely and attempted to be an idol.
yh: giving up something you bet your life on, is not easy. it wasnt easy to persuade my dad who was a tkd coach
but since its something i want to do, so i did (attempted). i still remember what i told my parents before i went on pdx, 'ill be doing well, and itll turn out well even though its not sports" it might look like something i just said for the sake of it but now i feel like im repaying bit by bit, so im happy.

q: experiences from doing tkd that helped in becoming an idol?

yh: i got strong mentality and stamina, and i also heard people saying that maybe because i did tkd, i have good strength when i dance

q: you always said that 'idol must be able to do everything' on the show
yh: i said that during that time, since i thought that i should be able to sing and rap well. but singing well on stage, doesnt mean becoming a good idol.
nowadays, i need to be good in variety shows, in communicating with fans, and also in acting since i took up the challenge'

q: tips to learn something new?
yh: rather than tips, i think that the mindset is important. as i joined pdx, and learnt dance and singing
for the first time, i actually thought that i came for it. same for acting now, there would be times i cant do well, or get bad comments, but i hold on with the mindset of 'i have to get over this'. then somehow i slowly improve, and really enjoy it later.'

q: where did your strength to keep challeging comes from?
yh: challenging something is fun. i think it might due to my personality in which i worry but i dont fear much.

q: when do you feel difficulties in daily life?
yh: i cant do dutch pay well. rather than paying exactly half -half each, im the style who thinks that 'since you paid the last time, ill pay this time.

q: when do you get emotionally sensitive?
yh: i have the habit of sleeping with my earphones on while listening to music. so i would tend to listen to the lyrics, and think a lot about it. theres times i got too into it and tear up too.
at night i prefer calm ballads like j_ust's 'listen and sleep', '2am'.

q: you're standing at a new starting point. something you promise not to lose in the future?
yh: humbleness. my parents influence on me is huge, they always say that one musnt be arrogant no matter how well he is. im not a person who fall deeply for sense of accomplishment.

q: you always express your gratitude to your family if you have the chance?
yh: family is always the 'tears button' for whoever it is right? not long ago i gave my sister a purse for her birthday and she liked it. seeing her being happy makes me happy.
 i also thought that recently, my position with my mum is exchanged. things that my mum always do now im slowly taking care of it, now its surely my turn to do it.'

q: how you do want to spend your 20s?
yh: i wanted to try many things. i have greed on being a singer, and since im at it, i want to live fully as an idol during my shinning 20s

q: do you dream of special abilities?
yh: hmm the ability to let everything i touch turn into gold (laugh)? teleporting kinda makes people lazier. i think it would be the best living as what it is.

'magazines.' 카테고리의 다른 글

tenasia may issue 2020 #behind the scenes  (0) 2020.04.24
tenasia may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.24
nylon may 2020 issue  (0) 2020.04.21
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #2  (0) 2020.04.02
kpop pia (japan) april 2020 issue #1  (0) 2020.04.02