for yohan.

star 1 july 2020 issue


magazine photo: @johannes_kyh

How are you doing recently?
i'm happy that i could go nearer to fans musically through <war of villain>, which i'm a part of the fixed cast. i'm also focusing so that i could show more of my good sides.

today's concept was a fresh one which could remind us about school days, how was yohan's school days?
rather than being fresh like today's concept, i was a student who focused on sports. everyday was tiring because of sports. i practised every single day, from day to night, i only did sports. now my stamina isn't as good as i were back then, but sports was really everything during my school days.

would you go back (to the days) if you're asked to?
but it was still fun back then. since there was many times where i find small happiness despite the exhaustment. till now, i'm still close with friends i knew back then. somehow maybe they're friends/ seniors that trained together, so there's something like a strong bond. i think that's why our friendship is deep too. since i experienced living in a group since primary school, sometimes being alone felt kind of awkward too. haha

recently there's more time to stay at home. what do you usually do at home?
i'm the type who barely comes out from my room. i kinda like lying alone listening to music, and playing games. recently, if i dont have schedules i try not to go around, and i try to be careful. i hope that my fans would do that too (laughs). i'm actually absorbed in mobile games and nano blocks, it'd be nice if my fans spend their time with small hobbies like these too.

it must be a big pity for not being able to meet your fans closely.
until half a year ago, i communicated (with fans) frequently, or through official meetings or music broadcasts, i could talk with them. but it's a pity that i lost those healing times. so, i'm working hard to meet them in other ways such as live broadcasts or other contents.

you are filming <war of villain> too, wouldn't it be difficult working with veteran singers?
since <war of villain> is a project-based show rather than a talk show, so it wasn't that difficult. i felt more comfortable being able to join in naturally.

since you officially joined a variety show, is there any memorable comments or special reactions to you?
while i appear officially on shows, i didn't have much chances to show myself musically. i always felt that it's a pity that i could only show myself on variety shows or magazines. now through <war of villain>, i'm really happy that i could show more of the music-related side of me, and learn many things too. i also started to pay more attention to rap making.

there must be many that you could learn while being with senior musicians.
actually no matter who i get to work with, it's always my honour. i just don't want to cause any trouble. while watching (song)gain-nuna sing, i could only be impressed. jessi-nuna who naturally rides on the flow while rapping or singing, i think i'm learning about that while watching.

is there any variety show you want to join?
i want to join shows like tvn's <new journey to the west>. i want to play their witty/brilliant games too.

are you the competitive kind?
rather than being competitive, i'm the kind who motivates myself. even when i did sports too, rather than comparing myself with my opponent, i always wanted myself to do well first. i think maybe that's why i'm like this now. i think it's important that i do well and try my best.

you are showing various yohan's through broadcast and magazines.
i wished that i could catch many bunnies (try everything). for now, i'm paying more attention to the music side. i wanted to prioritize my activities as an idol more, and wanted to built a stronger base in terms of music.

you looked like you're close with your company members.
since we are all close, it's comfortable and nice. the chemistry is good too (laugh).

is there any words that give yohan the most strength nowadays?
my fans reactions to my performance in <war of villain> became great strength to me. they drenched my thirst to be judged on musically; seniors in the show, including lee sangmin and jessi-nuna, all told me that i did well, so it became strength to me, and i strive to work harder.

you want to stand on stage as soon as possible right?
yes. i want to stand on stage as soon as possible and meet my fans too.

seemed like you have an artist who you want to resemble.
i want to learn and resemble v-sunbaenim in terms of stage and performances. he's cool. he's exactly an idol, and show great performances like an artist. i really like zico-sunbaenim on the music side. it's cool that he's the player and also the producer. i want to resemble that too. i used to perform rap that are already written, and never imagined that i could be making them. but once, twice, since i started, i was able to do it too. at first i took 1 hour for 2 lines, but for now, once i got the first line, the rest just flow out like water. when i show it to someone, and get positive response, it's satisfying and enjoyable, so i'm happy everyday.

is there something you're focusing on nowadays?
definitely rap making. i need to write my rap in the project from <war of villain>, so i really focused on it a lot.

what are the things that differs the most before and after debut?
the biggest would be the public recognizing me. that's the biggest difference, and inside there's many things which changed. to achieve what i want, there are things that i have to give up; to do well in broadcasts or music, i think i have to put in a lot of effot. but still, when i go out, i would be back to normal person kim yohan. i don't really remind myself that i'm a celebrity.

it's almost 1 yr since your debut, how do you feel?
in the 1 year span, i think there's big and various changes in my life. i also learnt that everything in this world is not easy as i think.

your one year definitely flew fast. what was your happiest moment?
when i gave my parents pocket money after working hard, i was really happy. it's being filial. i was really satisfied. maybe because i only started activities for a year, i don't really feel it, and i think i still lack a lot. but i still want to monitor myself and find points that i could change and improve myself.

while promoting for a year, did you discover a new side of yourself?
when i was showing cutesy side of myself? i still can't get used to it seeing myself (being cute) on broadcasts. even my friends who did sports together with me would contact me and tease me.

since you debuted after gaining enormous popularity, the public would had high interest in everything you did. it must be burdensome for the past whole year.
i don't think of their interest as a burden. i feel grateful for such great amount of love given to me, and would like to repay them.

is there anything you want to achieve by this year?
i really want to stand on stage. i really wish to communicate with fans through music. i think my biggest wish would be being able to meet fans on stage.

is there anything you want to say to your fans?
as per current situation, i hope fans could hold on for a little more and wait for me. i hope that they would be healthy. i'm also being careful so that i could meet fans healthily. i hope that my fans could do so too.



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