for yohan.

'eat out2' kim yohan


"since i live alone, cooking smth for myself is bothering;
and since the request for the show came in, so i happily accepted it.
i could eat good food while filming so its nice"

"i ate frozen pork belly during this filming. i really like meat.
i ordered 2 portion but i finished them all so i ordered another.
its my first time grilling and eating alone but it was a happy time"


weight management is compulsory for idols, is there any burden for doing mukbang on 'eat out'?
"no. since i like eating, i eat then control. if theres photoshoot ill control my diet according to the schedule. during 'eat out' filming, my schedule ended so i could eat as much."

you ate alone when filming, do you usually enjoy eating alone?
"since i live alone so i usually eat alone. so im used to it. i ate frozen pork belly alone during filming. i really like meat. i ordered 2 portions but i finished so i added another. i enjoyed eating out with meat and rice. i grilled and eat meat alone for the first time, but it was a happy time."

kim yohan's mukbang point in 'eat out'?
"focusing on my know how when eating pork belly would be nice. theres a tip of mixing ssamjang in soybean paste stew. mixing ssamjang with garlic is also a point. please check it out through the broadcast."

among fans 'yohan set menu (pork belly+ yoghurt smoothie) is famous.
"tbh i didnt know there's a name called the 'yohan set menu' until this filming (laugh) im just thankful that they're interested. 'yohan set menu' is about having yoghurt smoothie after eating grilled pork belly, they dont match but its tasty. i really recommend it."

you met the 2 hosts of 'eat out' on diff shows before; how was the 2nd meeting?
"kang hodong is a super big senior. duing 'eat out filming', im thankful as he gave me good words and took care of me. 
kang hodong is a senior in athlete too. so he took care of me and treated me comfortably. i was nervous but i could film easily.for hong hyunhee, i filmed another show tgt as a panel with her. like kang hodong, she took care of me and talked to me interestingly, so i could finish filming safely.

what do you think is the charm of 'eat out'?
"i think the best is that i could eat good food. its a perfect show for me who have to eat alone"

since you ate alone, if you have to eat out with someone else, what do you want to eat?
"i want to eat with my parents. menu would definitely be meat (laugh). i really like meat. eating with company staffs would be fun too."

final words for viewers?
"altho i filmed 'eat out' alone but it was fun, so i hope you can watch it prettily. if you havent tried eating alone, its not bad so please try it once. please anticipate kim yohan on 'eat out'. thank you."


‘외식하는 날’ 김요한 “아이돌이라 체중 관리 부담? NO”(일문일답)

[뉴스엔 김명미 기자] ‘외식하는 날’ 김요한이 혼밥을 즐긴 소감을 밝혔다. 대세 아이돌 김요한은 최근 SBS FiL(에스비에스 필) ‘외식하는 날’ 촬영에서 나 홀로 고기 먹방을 펼쳤다. 김요한은 “제가 혼자 살아